Multiplayer first person shooter games for Xbox One with 6-player support
Insurgency: Sandstorm
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Killing Floor 2
Players: 0 local, 6 online
Serious Sam Collection
Players: 4 local, 16 online
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Players: 2 local, 6 online
Players: 8 local, 8 online
Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Edition World Tour
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Overwatch 2
Players: 0 local, 6 online
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Quake II (Enhanced)
Players: 4 local, 8 online
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
Players: 0 local, 12 online
Players: 4 local, 16 online