Multiplayer twin stick shooter games for PlayStation 3 with online support
Renegade Ops
Players: 2 local, 4 online
Dead Nation
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Gatling Gears
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Zombie Apocalypse: Never Die Alone
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Alien Breed: Impact
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Assault Heroes
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Ion Assault
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Alien Breed 2: Assault
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Beat Hazard
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Alien Breed
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Alien Breed 3: Descent
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Wanted Corps
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Narco Terror
Players: 2 local, 2 online