Multiplayer twin stick shooter games for PC/Windows with 8-player support
Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Final Days
Players: 4 local, 16 online
Ring Runner
Players: 2 local, 8 online
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Nature's Zombie Apocalypse
Players: 8 local, 8 online
Stardrift Nomads
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour
Players: 4 local, 12 online
Nebula Within
Players: 8 local, 0 online
Flock of Dogs
Players: 8 local, 8 online
Apolune 2
Players: 8 local, 0 online