Multiplayer shoot em up games for PC/Windows with 2-player online support
Mercenary Kings
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Chicken Invaders: Ultimate Omelette
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Shoot Many Robots
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Players: 4 local, 8 online
Revolution Ace
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Rogue Continuum
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Cyborg Rage
Players: 0 local, 2 online
Shock Troopers
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Toon Shooters 2: The Freelancers
Players: 0 local, 5 online
Zombie Party
Players: 4 local, 4 online
RiftStar Raiders
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Rogue Robots
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Players: 2 local, 2 online
BlastZone 2
Players: 2 local, 2 online
Players: 0 local, 2 online
Players: 0 local, 8 online
Reflex Unit : Strike Ops
Players: 0 local, 3 online
Chicken Invaders: Revenge of the Yolk
Players: 2 local, 4 online
Chicken Invaders: Cluck of the Dark Side
Players: 2 local, 4 online
Chicken Invaders Universe
Players: 0 local, 99 online
Players: 4 local, 4 online