Multiplayer action rpg games for Nintendo 3DS with 4-player support
Final Fantasy Explorers
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Players: 0 local, 0 online
Heroes of Ruin
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: Red Cat Corps
Players: 0 local, 4 online
Yo-Kai Watch Blasters: White Dog Squad
Players: 0 local, 4 online
YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits
Players: 0 local, 0 online
YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls
Players: 0 local, 0 online
YO-KAI WATCH 2: Psychic Specters
Players: 0 local, 0 online