Multiplayer beat-em-up games for PC/Windows with online support
Dicey Krime: Traveler of Time
Players: 3 local, 3 online
River City: Rival Showdown
Players: 0 local, 2 online
One Punch Man: World
Players: 0 local, 3 online
Combo Devils
Players: 3 local, 3 online
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind
Players: 5 local, 2 online
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Mayhem Brawler II: Best of Both Worlds
Players: 4 local, 4 online
River City Saga: Three Kingdoms Next
Players: 4 local, 4 online
Kings of Hell
Players: 0 local, 4 online